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“Help, work is stressing me out!”

Writer: Emily JohnsonEmily Johnson

written for Real World Consultancy's Mighty Business Magazine.

Cases of stress at work are rising, with statistics showing that they are higher now than pre-pandemic. Why is this?

The previous generation seemed to cope, didn’t they? Why are millennials and Gen-X finding it so hard? And how do we over come it to live healthy and fulfilling lives? 

Why are we struggling more now? Well, the truth is we aren’t, previous generations had life pressures both internal and external just like we do. The difference is, now we know more, this isn’t to say we are more intelligent but instead that we are being fed more information! In many ways this is great; we have better healthcare, access to travel and education and ways to keep in touch with friends.

On the flip-side we also have access to all the bad, the ugly and the injustice in the world. 

We are being overwhelmed, we get news alerts from around the world, are constantly contactable and are very aware of what we don’t have. A quick look at social media can inform you of more information than your parents probably would have received in a week. 

Whilst you’re trying to do work; your friend texts you “wish you were here”, with a picture of a gorgeous view, your work group chat is a constant buzz with colleagues opinions, a notification pops up telling you about a celebrities perfect body and happy smile whilst stepping off a yacht…feel stressed out yet, you finally get home and you need to do the laundry, cook dinner and clean dishes.

You’re tired so you end up scrolling on your phone in front of the tv until bedtime in the hope that it’s the quiet time you needed to relax. It’s not, what you’re actually doing is filling your mind with even more information, which can lead to interrupted sleep, creating tiredness and agitation the following day!

Our brains are so over stimulated, when are we switching off? How can we switch off? 

Well…I think I’ve figured it out, the answer is hobbies!! Hobbies equal happiness!  

Doing things we enjoy helps our brain to build up happy hormones, becoming a barrier too stresses. These hobbies could be a sport, an activity or a craft, a mix of things you enjoy alone and as a group. Combatting feeling like work is taking over your life, hobbies can help you meet like minded people, bring you satisfaction and joy away from your daily chores and expectations. 

Our increased and constant access to knowledge may be adding to our increased stress but knowing this can help us to navigate through this age of technology; learning to control ourselves around it just as we do with all things that are bad for us. Starting small with hobbies that take us away from the screen will help us to recognise them as rewards, embracing and relishing in that quiet time. Perhaps start by trying doodling with your morning coffee, reading before bed, collaging alone for an hour or walking in nature.

Today is World Mental Health Day with a theme of workplace burnout, you can read more about this here and never be afraid or embarrassed to seek help and support if you are feeling stress, overwhelmed or unhappy whether at work or any other area of life! You aren’t alone!

We offer an online wellbeing course, using creativity as a tool to support you in building confidence, dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed or anxious, click here to find out more.



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